COSMO HUNTERS is a card game developed by Giannandrea Inchingolo in collaboration with INAF – Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory and GAME Science Research Center. This game intends to discuss astronomical observations at different electromagnetic spectrum frequencies in the last primary and middle school classes. Short description:  The game consists of a set collection of cards, which players must collect during the game. The greatest number of observation cards of different celestial objects are needed to accumulate points. Not all objects are visible to the naked eye, that is, they emit lightLEGGI TUTTO

PIXEL – Picture (of) the Universe is a board game developed by the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) in the framework of the affiliation with the Game Science Research Center. The game simulates the astrophysics research environment, particularly emphasising the observation and study of cosmic bodies at different resolutions. PIXEL targets mostly board gamers and board game lovers, but it was developed also to be an edutainment activity in secondary schools managed by INAF educators.   Origin: PIXEL arises from “Viva la risoluzione”, a playful activity around the resolution ofLEGGI TUTTO